Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) is a not-for-profit organization, registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956.The council has been promoted by six associations i.e. CEAMA, ELCINA, IESA (formerly ISA), IPCA, MAIT & ELCOMA.
ESSCI’s focus is on establishing an effective and efficient ecosystem for developing and imparting of outcome-oriented skills for the Electronics Systems, Design and Manufacturing Industry (ESDM). ESSCI’s mandate comprises plethora of deliverables including development of curriculum, courses, information database, delivery system. ESSCI is responsible for standardization, accreditation and certification processes to enhance the employability of the Indian workforce globally.
• ESSCI brings together all the stakeholders –industry, labor & the academia to develop a future ready skilled workforce for the ESDM Sector with following objectives:
• Aligning to the vison of the Honorable Prime Minister of creating “Aatmnirbhar Bharat” and supporting key flagship programmers like Make in India, Digital India, Electronics India, Startup India & Skill India
• Conduct skill gap studies for quantitative & qualitative demand of work force in the ESDM Sector
• Create Occupational Standards &Qualifications in Electronics Job roles
• Affiliation, accreditation, assessment and certification for electronics specific job roles
• E-Innovation & Training: Enabling creation of Innovation/R&D Infrastructure in emerging areas of ESDM.
• Building Centre of Excellence & Model Training Centers.
• Adoption of best global practices for imparting skills and Certifications
• Adoption of latest state of the Art technologies for online training delivery, Assessment & Certification, AR/VR Training Modules, Virtual Labs etc.
• Promote and support Micro entrepreneurship for sustenance of Livelihoods in relevant job roles like Domestic Electrician etc.
• Development of foundation courses for School & Colleges.
• Preparing future ready qualifications in IoT, Drones, Smart Technologies, EV, Solar and Green Energy, Automation, AI/ML, Smart Manufacturing-Industry 4.0 etc
© UEWS 2020
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